Welcome and thank you!

Welcome to the inaugural entry of this blog--a recording of what I hope will become a reasonable, consistent effort to convey my creative journey as a writer, a painter, a creative director, and a filmmaker.

During the daylight hours, I am a creative director and partner at Baked Studios in Los Angeles and New York.  During the off times, I fill my minutes with family and creative pursuits.  

Writing has been a constant companion to me for many years--starting in earnest 22-23 years ago as near as I can estimate.  There have been times when I have gone weeks, even months, between writing sessions, but things have become more focused in the last decade.  To finally publish my first book, I had to take things up a notch and commit to concentrated time every day to meet my goals--not an easy thing to accomplish but incredibly rewarding when I finally managed to skew my brain and willpower around to the effort.  Now, I honestly can't imagine how I'd get through a day, much less a week, without these focused periods of time.  For me, that time comes early in the AM, 5 AM to be precise.  While there are times it feels like pure torture to peel myself from between the sheets beside my beautiful wife, it is always affirming and, at the best of times, becomes the focal point for the rest of my day.

I will leave things here for now, but I am excited to write and share more.  Any thoughts or comments are always welcome--unless they are of a negative variety, in which case, I'm good!  The world around us provides plenty of that sort of input!